Hey there, back already? I knew you were as excited about this as I was. The next thing I think about and one of the only things I'd plan outside of the main destinations is what kind of beer can I pick up that I can't find in the STL (I know, crazy that I am thinking about beer right?). Having a phone with google maps and different search features, I will probably just find specialty beer stores along the way so I can be surprised about what I find in the various spots but I have and will do a bit of research on the good stuff before I head out. However, I will probably talk about my findings post trip so I won't do it now and just get to the other details...
Now that the main destinations have been picked out, it is time to talk about the importance of the little details that will make for a great ride when the sights along the road aren't that exciting (I'm looking at you Iowa). First thing is first, you can chat and play driving games only so long before you start stabbing each other in the eyes. Stopping for random potty breaks and snacks is a given but you should always pack munchies before you go so you will never have to go without! Licorice seems to be a favorite and it is more of a constant energy that doesn't make you crash like candy bars. Dried fruit is another great choice, especially when you mix it into a trail mix with nuts, granola, seeds, all the favorites and if you make a big bag, it lasts for a long time. More ideas include chips, bags of cookies, anything you love munching on.
The next thing that is essential to entertaining yourself is tunes! Tell everyone in your group to load their I pods with all their favorites. There are lists all over the place if you search for them that are great for road trips, go crazy. Songs that everyone knows and will rock out to always make for a great ride. Depending on how long you plan to be on the road, however, you are going to want more than that. I pack my I pod with lists of comedians who everyone enjoys. They make for the perfect break when music is getting old.
Last and really, most importantly, make sure you have a great crew to enjoy the journey with. Grab your friends you don't get sick of and that are up for random adventures. Well that is all I have for now. I'll let you know how mine goes once I recruit a good crew and find a time that everyone can do. I'll catch you hear next time, happy road tripping!
Link of the Day
If you saw two guys named Hambone and Flippy, which one would you think liked dolphins the most? I'd say Flippy, wouldn't you? You'd be wrong, though. It's Hambone. ~Jack Handey
Link of the Day
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